#18 – Intimacy with Accuracy – Part 2: Next Level Relationships

Part 2 of the video series entitled Intimacy with Accuracy starts off with Marcus sharing how David and he met, moving forward to diving deeper into next level relationships through intimacy with accuracy.

00:24 How Marcus and David met
01:23 The Accuracy of Intimacy
03:07 Levels of Intimacy
04:23 Working with Snipers
05:05 Imposing Limitations on What We Think
06:09 Targeted Intimacy
07:15 Building a Procedure around Relationships
08:55 Faith
06:55 Chasing an Identity
10:47 None of these is easy
11:01 Transformation
12:00 A Two-Way Street
13:00 Judgment
15:06 “Moral Relativism”
16:39 Truth
17:09 Accepting the Judgment of Others
18:47 How Do I Know Myself
20:31 Adding a Step Forward
21:41 No End Game
22:00 Becoming Target-Fixated
23:00 What are you willing to sacrifice?
24:20 The Ultimate Target
25:00 Dialing the optics
26:03 Cleaning up the self
27:30 Starting Frog Logic
29:00 You can only use the barrel of a gun for so much
30:00 Children
32:00 Becoming more invested in the targeting of intimacy
34:00 A meaningful life
35:00 Awakening in the human condition
36:09 Moving through the intensity of lessons
37:05 Not being able to go back in time
38:10 The intimacy of accepting other people’s intimacy
39:43 Intimacy is not necessarily imbued with positive aspects
40:27 Stepping outside the self
41:37 Love
42:55 Wrapping up